Food news, nosh and croissant...the everything is closing edition

Food news, nosh and croissant...the everything is closing edition

chocolate croissant $5

chocolate croissant $5

What better way to test the limits of a French bakery than see how they do with the most quintessential of French baked goods, the croissant. Not just a croissant, but a chocolate one. As per usual with Les Gourmands Bakery, pricing is running about a $1 or more than most other places you find one of these freshly made. Though I will say, it was a bit larger than average, so a moderate trade off. Also, as you can see from the pic on the cover of the post, the chocolate is more a hint of it in the middle of the croissant as opposed to getting it all the way through. Compared to others I've had in town, it wasn't as flaky as you might expect nor as buttery. It was a tad more firm and airy as you can note from the web of white bread lines you can see in the other pic. While I can't say I was the biggest fan of their version, I would say this one would hold up well as the bread for a sandwich due to it's texture and non-flakiness. Means it wouldn't cause much of a mess as say some others you eat. I'm guessing the difference in texture, puffed up size and amount of flake is due to their own unique process, whatever it may be. Ultimately I may not be the best judge as I am only moderately a croissant fan. Seems they feel like a lot of airy bread that isn't all that filling or satisfying for me without additional accoutrements like butter, jam, cheese, whatever. I will let you ruminate on it yourselves while you check out this past weeks food news and a sudden on rush of closings around town. (Looked real pretty though!)

But fear not, it isn't all doom and gloom in the local restaurant business. Here are some good things!

It's Valentine's Day....or did you forget?

It's Valentine's Day....or did you forget?

Single serving: nacho cheese fries from Taco I've hit rock bottom

Single serving: nacho cheese fries from Taco I've hit rock bottom