Food news and nosh plus sugar and butter pastry!!

Food news and nosh plus sugar and butter pastry!!

raspberry amandine $7.80

raspberry amandine $7.80

I would most definitely classify baked goods and pastries as comfort food, at least in my world. I do drift towards these types of things more than savory when feeling the blues. Plus, I'm still on my Les Gourmands Bakery kick and serving up their raspberry amandine this time. In the true spirit of baked goods I like, this one is full of heft, not to mention butter and sugar. The outside is a crumbly crust with flakes of roasted almond slices while the inside is a soft and moist cake like texture with raspberry filling and all the taste of butter and sugar one can stand. Yep, that's right up my dessert alley. It was even better heated up a bit, as many pastry things usually are. It is definitely sweet so this won't necessarily be for everyone, but then you can just split it up and share with a few folks. I know these are all freshly made by hand in French bakery traditions and all but my only knock would be cost, something which seems to affect all their offerings. I know! I'm a cheap a** sometimes, maybe when I'm gainfully employed again I'll be different, no promises though. Otherwise, if you are looking for a sweet treat to eat, this would work. It also comes in an apricot version if you are not into raspberry. Now time to enjoy the rest with a little food news. 

Also note, me and the SO managed to get by there for dinner recently so that review is soon to come so stayed tuned! 

Tony's Cable Car Restaurant.....after all this time

Tony's Cable Car Restaurant.....after all this time

MAC'D.....wait, they eat carbs in the Marina!!

MAC'D.....wait, they eat carbs in the Marina!!