weekly food news nosh and notes....hello holidays!!

weekly food news nosh and notes....hello holidays!!


Yes, it is December and the "real" holidays are upon us. With all the decorations, lights and music comes a plethora of pop-ups around town to check out and support local vendors. I swung by one such event last weekend at Pier 35 put on by Etsy. I was hoping for more food thingys but there were more food trucks than vendors which was a bummer. But there was this one little table called Chunky Pig I was drawn to for the obvious bacon reasons. Her big things was caramel popcorn cooked in bacon fat. Interesting for sure, but I was more drawn to the candied bacon caramel corn covered in dark chocolate. At $8 a seven ounce square it seemed a little pricey, but I was game to try it. 

A 70% dark chocolate which is smooth without being chalky and usually it is as dark as most people can handle. There are nice chunks of the caramel popcorn throughout and you do get those notes, but I have to say, I missed out on the bacon and felt she could have ramped that up more than is evident here. You do get some small notes of it along with things like maple syrup, brown sugar and a hint of cayenne pepper. Nice enough but I think doubling down on bacon bits and flavor would add so much to the bar. I mean if you are going to list it on the label you should be able to really taste it in the mix. Still, if you like caramel popcorn chocolate, it's worth a taste. 

Fancy Wheat Field Bakery, carbo loading for the holidays!

Fancy Wheat Field Bakery, carbo loading for the holidays!

food truck quick bite: a traditional Hungarian holiday!

food truck quick bite: a traditional Hungarian holiday!